Go Smile Teeth Whitening Gel 3-stars Reviews

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4 years ago

wasted my money

I bought this because of the good reviews, but I now wonder if most of the reviewers already had fairly white teeth. I used this consistently, daily, through an entire tube and halfway through a second tube before throwing it away (about 2+ months). It did absolutely nothing. I don't have horribly discolored teeth, I have average teeth and decided I wanted pretty little pearls like those I see on people who whiten their teeth. Zero change for me.

6 years ago

Not the most pleasant, gets job done

I received this product for testing purposes and was excited about the opportunity to whiten my teeth. The product is used side by side with an equal amount of toothpaste, so it's a lot to balance on your brush. The consistency is quite slimy and difficult to squeeze out of the tube. After using the product, my teeth felt like I had just gone to the dentist. That was encouraging because it seemed as though it had worked to an extent. The taste and smell of the product was borderline chemical. I think there is definite potential and I did see the whitening effects.

6 years ago

Easy to use

This gel was ok. It had a nice consistency and didn't taste bad. I just added some onto my toothbrush with my toothpaste everyday. It wasn't abrasive, harsh, and I didn't have any sensitivity. However, I didn't notice much of a difference, but I only had a trial size. I received this product complimentary.

6 years ago

Made my gums hurt a bit

I do not hate this product. I don't think it's a miracle worker or has lasting effects but I do think that whilst using it, I at least felt I saw a difference. But to be honest I was using it along with the whitening toothpaste from the same brand. However they warn you to not brush along your gums, I believe and that was confusing to me because I wasn't sure how to avoid that entirely. in Any case after my first use of it, I felt the room of my mouth become very sensitive and the following times I used it, my gums would also become sensitive and hurt a bit so beware of that.

I did receive this complimentary for testing purposes.

6 years ago


You use this product with your own toothpaste or with the toothpaste that they recommend which is how I tried it. I really liked that it was easy to use and didn't irritate my gums like some other products have. The taste wasn't all that off putting either-another big difference in competetitors. I just didn't notice much of a difference after weeks of daily use. To add another step in my already lengthy get ready routine is a hassle especially for unnoticeable results.

6 years ago

Not sold

I wish I had taken before and after photos but unfortunately I didn't. I used this for about two weeks and I was disappointed that I didn't see any (or very minimal) results. I didn't have any sensitivity which was a plus as white strips just kill my teeth. I didn't care for the smell or taste but it went away pretty quickly. The product says to use for 30 days to get full results so it's possibke that I just needed more time with this to see drastic whitening. However, I don't plan to repurchase based on what I've seen so far. I did receive this product free in exchange for my honest review.

6 years ago


This product promised a lot but in my reality it didn't work at all. You can use it everyday after your toothpaste to keep your smile clean, and fresh just add an equal amount of this gel to your toothpaste and brush, as I said I prefer after brushing my teeth. It changed just a little bit the yellowness from my teeth, I think maybe because I drink too much black coffee. I received this product complimentary and for testing purposes.

6 years ago

Better than nothing

While this doesn't whiten and brighten as other products I've tried, it still does whiten my teeth a bit with constant use. An equal amount of toothpaste and gel is needed to brush on teeth for 2 minutes. The most effective product I've tried uses 2 products as well but in separate steps in the beginning and my teeth is so much whiter and brighter even on the first use. This doesn't give me anything close tot hat. It's not as effective as I'd like so I probably won't be purchasing it. I really had higher hopes for this one. I received this item free for an honest review.

6 years ago

Great Whitening Gel

I tested this product briefly and found it helped to significantly whiten my teeth after a few days. I am an avid coffee drinker so this product really helped to brighten up my smile. The downside is that my teeth are super sensitive, so I can't use this product continuously. That's not a big deal, however, as I typically only whiten my teeth for special events!

I received this product free in exchange for my honest review.

6 years ago

It's Ok

I really don't notice anything special about the product. My mouth does feel clean and slightly whiter. It's basically peroxide and glycerin tho and to me it's not worth the price. I did receive a free trial size to test, but it's not enough to give a great thorough review and this is my honest opinion.

6 years ago

meant to be used with the toothpaste

The teeth whitening gel and toothpaste are meant to be used together which is pretty nice because you get a fresh minty flavor that cleans as you whiten your teeth. I've seen slow results with this product which makes me curious as to how long term results would look like. My teeth definitely appear brighter but in the short time span that I've used this product they definitely aren't super white so I'm sure with the full size of these products and long term use you will have amazing results. i recieved both products complimentary for reviewing purposes

6 years ago

Yes and no

I do feel like this product has made a difference. My teeth tend to get yellow towards the gums and this definitely lightened that area. That being said, it is very harsh. If you have sensitive teeth I would be very careful. I use it once a day only bc of that. When I was using it twice a day I felt the sensitivity coming back. I received this product complimentary in exchange for testing.

6 years ago

Not a Drastic Difference

I received this product for free for testing and reviewing purposes, and did so for several consecutive days until the sample ran out. The tube said it was a weeks worth of product, but I got a few more days out of it than that. I tried the product with the Go Smile "luxury" tooth paste on a dry toothbrush day and night, and I did not notice a drastic difference. The product tastes similar to typical whitening strips (possibly peroxide?) and using a symbol brush is an odd sensation as someone who always wets my toothbrush before using. My gums were not irritated and I did not experience any negative effects from using this product, but overall, not a drastic difference in the color of my teeth. It is possible that it needs to be used longer than the amount of time that I used though.

6 years ago

Worked slightly

I've been using this gel in conjunction with the toothpaste. I can see a slight whitening effect, but nothing too dramatic. This is not super harsh like some whitening products. It also doesn't leave my mouth as clean as I would like. I think this definitely works best if used constantly along with the other products, but I did not see good enough results to purchase. I did receive this item free in exchange for a review.

6 years ago

I didn't see noticeably whiter teeth

I used the Go Smile Teeth Whitening Gel paired with the Luxury Tooth Paste. The claim is to see whiter teeth in 2 days, dramatic results in 1 month. I used this for 2 weeks and didn't see any true results. The product itself is easy to use, pair it with the toothpaste. I just didn't see any results, but I will continue to do so until the tube is used up. Maybe I'll see results more at the 1 month mark.

Note: I received this product free for testing.

6 years ago

Did not love or hate this product.

I did not see a noticeable change in the brightness or whiteness of my teeth to be honest. I really wanted to love this product, but just found it to be "eh". I'm also not a fan of the taste. It's surely simple enough to use and maybe it did change the appearance of my teeth, but I didn't really notice. I think the packaging said you would see a noticeable difference within three days and that was certainly not the case for me, but perhaps if you used it on a consistent basis overtime it would preserve or enhance the whiteness of your teeth. I plan to continue using it until I run out. Not sure that I would purchase it afterwards though. I received this product for free to test and review.

6 years ago


This product is easy to use. You apply it and it isn't very messy. But there is definitely a smell to it that is kind of unpleasant if you aren't used to it. To be fair, it's a whitening gel. Additionally, you don't need to leave it on for very long.

Some people said it was painless and it was for me, too, but I know others have experienced some sensitivity when using the product.

I received this free for testing.

6 years ago


So I have mixed feelings about this. I think it does do the job of whitnening my teeth well, but I can not stand the way that this product feels or tastes in my mouth. It has a very weird taste to it unlike anything I've tried & it makes me not want to use it. I recieved this product free for testing purposes.

6 years ago

Mixed feelings

I honestly don't know what to say about GO SMILE teeth whitening gel. It's not bad but it doesn't do much either. I was expecting to see a clear whitening in my teeth within a week and still nothing. Now in terms of cleaning, i don't think it did a good job as I like my regular toothpaste that leaves me feeling fresh and minty. I received this product free for testing and so I won't finish it.

6 years ago

Did not work for me

I started using this product twice a day as directed. At first, I loved it ! I was getting compliments from friends saying that my teeth were glowing and that they looked much whiter. After about a week and a half of using, I brushed my teeth in the morning and felt that my gums were really sore. I didn't think anything of it but then i looked in the mirror when they really started hurting and saw that it turned my gums completely white and had no blood flow. The color came back to them after about 20 mins but ever since I have been scared to use this product again.

Image Go Smile Teeth Whitening Gel

Technical Data

  • Manufactured by Go Smile
  • Average price : $29
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