Meaningful Beauty Creme de Serum 3-stars Reviews

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5 years ago

Soft skin, no difference for wrinkles

I just finished a whole bottle, I didn't notice any difference with wrinkles however it made my skin SO incredibly soft. Like baby soft. And it's not too greasy, it's perfect (at least for me) to use in the morning before applying makeup. I don't think I'd buy it again because of the price and zero effect on wrinkles, but if it were to go on sale i may consider just because it was the best moisturizing for my face I've ever used

11 years ago

Not sure how to rate this fairly

I originally purchased the kit of Meaningful Beauty product and within a month, noticed a more even skin tone and improved texture. This product lasted me for about month longer than the rest of the products and I thought for sure this product was what was giving me such great results. I purchased this product seperately about a year after using it initially and within a week had three or four giant zits. My first go round with this product was incredible but the second time, not so much.

Image Meaningful Beauty Creme de Serum

Technical Data

  • Manufactured by Meaningful Beauty
  • Average price : $65
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